Monitoring of the rehabilitation potential in the preventive medical examination of children with chronic pathology
Yaroslavl State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Children’s polyclinic № 5, Yaroslavl
Maskova Galina Stanislavovna
Candidate of Medical Science, assistant professor at the Department of Polyclinic Pediatrics
5 Revolyutsionnaya Str., Yaroslavl 150000
tel. (485) 35-66-92, e-mail:
In children’s polyclinic was conducted a continuous survey with a complex examination of the health status of 536 children at the age of 7-15 years. As a result of the examination there was established the prevalence of chronic pathology in the studied population of schoolchildren, which amounted to 74,1%. Were identified the priority factors of biological, social and genealogical anamnesis; social and environmental factors, which are associated with the development of the most common diseases in children.
The results of a comprehensive survey allowed identifying the controllable risk factors, the correction of which is required in the course of the rehabilitation process, and determining their contribution to the formation of the most common diseases in children. For the objective quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of rehabilitation treatment of a child with a chronic illness was proposed the concepts of «rehabilitation risk» (RR) and «rehabilitation potential» (RP).
Key words: pupils, risk factors, chronic pathology, rehabilitation risk, rehabilitation potential, rehabilitation treatment.
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