Modern approach to the examination of young athletes with pain in the lower back
Kazan State Medical University, Kazan
Contact details:
Bikchurin N.M. — Assistant Lecturer of the Neurology and Rehabilitation Department
Address: 49 Butlerov St., Russian Federation, Kazan, 420012, tel.: +7-919-688-85-48, e-mail:
The article presents the developed diagnostic algorithm SMART for examination of young athletes. The research object is girls aged 8 to 15 engaged in rhythmic gymnastics at a youth sports school.
Research methods: collecting anamnesis, visual examination, assessing the volume of active and passive movements, assessing muscle strength, conducting specific tests, statistical data processing.
Results. The use of SMART-examination revealed postural disorders in 67% of the examined, deviations in the bends of the spine — in 85%, instability of the lumbar spine in 11%, a test of nerve root irritation was positive in 6%. It was also noted that in all young athletes have joint hypermobility. For the purpose of early diagnosis of vertebrogenic pathology in children and adolescents engaged in rhythmic gymnastics, it is recommended to carry out the proposed SMART-examination.
Key words: rhythmic gymnastics, young athletes, pain in the lower back, diagnostic algorithm.
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