Model of transport of ammonia released during urea hydrolysis in the presence of gastric urease from the stomach to the mouth cavity
1St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (technical university), 26 Moskovsky Prospect, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation, 190013
2Association of Medicine and Analytics, Co Ltd, 3 18-ya liniya V.O. St., St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 199034
3I.P. PavlovFirst Saint-Petersburg State Medical University, 6-8 Lev Tostoy St., Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation, 197022
Bykov A.S. — Postgraduate Student of the Molecular Biotechnology Department, tel. +7-911-976-27-80, e-mail: bas1976@mail.ru¹
Bykov S.E. — Leading Specialist of Association of Medicine and Analytics, Co Ltd, tel. +7-921-400-22-78, e-mail: Bse_mail@mail.ru2
Baryshnikova N.V. — Cand. Med. Sc., Associate Professor of the Internal Diseases Department of Dental Faculty, tel. +7-921-301-33-77, e-mail: Baryshnikova_nv@mail.ru3
Ginak A.I. —D. Chem. Sc., Professor, Head of the Molecular Biotechnology Department, Academician of the RANS, tel. (812) 494-92-67, e-mail: mbt@lti-gti.ru¹
The article presents an arguable point concerning the transport of ammonia released in the stomach during urea hydrolysis in the presence of gastric urease to the mouth cavity. A model of such transport is suggested, based on physicochemical properties of NH3, current understanding of motility of the upper gastrointestinal tract as well as characteristics of «mouth cavity — esophagus — stomach» system air movement. Experimental findings obtained during direct rinsing of stomach walls with urea solution during gastroscopy showed that in spite of occurring losses ammonia released in the stomach can be easily detected in the mouth cavity air. The «oscillating» pattern of NH3 concentration in the mouth cavity over time is associated with rhythmic motor activity of the upper gastrointestinal tract. This understanding forms the basis of helicobacteriosis diagnosis by means of analysis of mouth cavity air composition.
Key words: helicobacteriosis diagnosis, ammonia transport, mouth cavity, diagnosis according to ammonia concentration.
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