Minimally invasive surgery of the maxillary sinus
First Saint Petersburg State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlov, 6-8 Lev Tolstoy Str., Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, 197022
Karpishchenko S.A. — DM, Professor, Head of the Otolaryngology Department, tel. (843) 499-70-19, e-mail:
Baranskaya S.V. — clinical resident doctor of the Department of Otolaryngology with clinics, tel. (812) 499-71-76, e-mail:
The article describes the modification of maxillary sinus access. The article analyzes the effectiveness of the treatment of patients with various forms of pathology in the maxillary sinuses by intranasal endoscopic access to the sinuses through the inferior nasal meatus. This method can be used in cases with the pathological process localization in basal part of the maxillary sinus without changes of the ostiomeatal complex.
Key words: maxillary sinus, endoscopic sinus surgery, inferior nasal meatus.
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