Microinvasive vitrectomy for double perforated eye injury
1Republican Clinical Ophthalmology Hospital, 85 Ashmarin St., Cheboksary, Russian Federatio, 428014
2Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanov, 45 Moskovskiy Ave., Cheboksary, Russian Federation, 428034
Arsyutov D.G. ― Cand. Med. Sc., Chief Physician, Associate Professor of the Department of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology, tel. (8352) 51-22-02, e-mail: dmitrij1977@rambler.ru
In the article are presented the results of surgical treatment of patients with severe double perforated eye injuries with foreign bodies of different origin and different sizes (up to 2,1 cm in length) with the application of microinvasive 25-27 Ga vitreoretinal surgery and methods of transvitreal and diascleral approach to the removal of foreign bodies. In the intraoperative manual on the conservation of the integrity of the eyeball is applied the alloscleroplasty method for closing large gaping defects in the back of the eye, followed by air-gas tamponade of the vitreous cavity. The presented tactics of surgical treatment of double perforated eye injuries allows obtaining high functional outcome and preservation of normal anatomy of the eyeball.
Key words: double perforated eye injury, intraocular foreign body, transvitreal and diascleral approach to the removal of foreign bodies, alloscleroplasty of scleral defect, air-gas tamponade.