Methods of intervention radiology in complex treatment of patients with pancreatitis
1Kazan State Medical Academy, 36 Butlerov St., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420012
2Municipal Clinical Hospital № 7, 54 Chuykov St., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420103
3Republican Clinical Hospital № 2, 1a Chekhov St., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420043
Zaynutdinov A.M. — Cand. Med. Sc., Associate Professor of the Surgery Department, tel. +7-917-268-25-34, e-mail: zainoutdinov@mail.ru1,3
Malkov I.S. — D. Med. Sc., Professor, Head of the Surgery Department, tel. +7-965-594-40-07, e-mail: ismalkov@yahoo.com1,2
Sharafislamov I.F. — Assistant of the Surgery Department, Assistant Professor of the Department of Ultrasound Diagnosis , tel. +7-917-886-26-26, e-mail: Sharusi333@gmail.ru1,2
Kirshin A.P. — operating surgeon, tel. +7-903-344-29-05, e-mail: doctornav@yandex.ru2
Tukhbatullin M.G. — D. Med. Sc., Professor, Head of the Ultrasonic Diagnosis Department, tel. +7-987-290-42-42, e-mail: Munir.Tuhbatullin@tatar.ru1,3
The article gives the results of puncture treatment of 87 patients with acute destructive pancreatitis. The article presents indications developed at the department and contraindications to paracentetic dranage; the technics of carrying out of a puncture under ultrasonic control and dranage and their subsequent conducting is described. Most often used accesses in case of infected pancreatic necrosis and infection of retroperitoneal space are specified. The technique improving ultrasonic imaging of a pancreas and retroperitoneal space is presented.
Key words: sharp pancreatitis, puncture, drainage, ultrasonic control.
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