Metabolic response to injury and disease in high-performance sports
1State Scientific Center Federal Medical Biophysical Center named after A.I. Burnazyan, Moscow
2Federal Scientific and Clinical Center for Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation of the FMBA of Russia, Moscow
Contact details:
Rylova N.V. — MD, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Sports Threpsology
Address: 46 Zhivopisnaya St., Russian Federation, Moscow, 420012, tel.: +7-917-397-33-93, e-mail:
Recently, in high-performance sports, there has been a significant increase in the volume and intensity of training loads, an increase in the duration of the competition period and its intensity, significant psychoemotional loads that affect the health status and quality of life of professional athletes, determine the incidence rate and a higher risk of injury in highly qualified athletes. Trauma and disease are considered as a polyetiological variant of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome, associated with the formation of «pathological» systems and their further dynamic change. One of the most striking manifestations of the systemic inflammatory reaction syndrome is pronounced metabolic disorders with a shift in metabolic processes towards hypermetabolism-hypercatabolism. The catabolic type of metabolic processes is characterized by the development of a pronounced protein-energy deficiency, a violation of nutrition and the inability to provide the body with the necessary nutrients in a natural way.
Key words: athletes, injuries, metabolic response, nutritional status.
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