Masks of food allergy in children
D.V. Pechkurov, A.A. Tyazheva, A.M. Konovalova, E.S. Lipatova
Samara State Medical University, 89 Chapayevskaya Str., 443099 Samara, Russian Federation
Pechkurov D.V. — Doc. Med. Sc., Professor, Head of the Department of Children’s Diseases, tel. (846) 959-45-11, e-mail:
Tyazheva A.A. — Cand. Med. Sc., Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Children’s Diseases, tel. (846)959-45-11, e-mail:
Konovalova A.M. — Senior Laboratory Assistant of the Department of Children’s Diseases, tel. (846) 959-45-11e-mail:
Lipatova E.S. — Cand. Med. Sc., Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Children’s Diseases, tel. (846)959-45-11, e-mail:
The article was submitted on: 03 March 2018, accepted for publication on: 13 April 2018
The pathological conditions associated with food tolerance violation are a topical problem of childhood. The interest in the problem of food allergy increases every year not only because of its growing prevalence, but also due to frequent errors in the diagnosis of food allergies. The article discusses the heterogeneity of food allergy associated with its various development mechanisms. The main forms of food allergy are considered, which cause the greatest difficulties in diagnosing because of an atypical picture. Diagnostic algorithms and modern approaches to differential diagnostics from the position of food allergy polymorphism in children are given.
Key words: food allergy, cow milk protein allergy, children, gastrointestinal manifestations.
(For citation: Pechkurov D.V., Tyazheva A.A., Konovalova A.M., Lipatova E.S. Masks of food allergy in children. Practical Medicine, 2018)
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