Lymphadenopathies in pediatric practice
Kazan State Medical University, Kazan
Contact details:
Pikusa O.I. — MD, Professor of the Department of Propaedeutics of Children’s Diseases and Faculty Pediatrics
Address: 49 Butlerov St., Russian Federation, Kazan 420012, tel.: +7-917-390-11-12, e-mail:
The purpose — to present the information on the main causes of lymphadenopathies in children and the stages of differential-diagnostic search which complicate diagnosing and determining the treatment tactics.
Material and methods. Analysis of literature data on lymphadenopathies in children, features of clinical manifestations under tumorous and non-tumorous etiology of the disease, and approaches to differential diagnostics.
Results. The article presents the general information on etiology and classification of the characteristic clinical symptoms of lymphadenopathies in children, which are necessary for a pediatrician to determining the treatment tactics of a patient with this pathology.
Conclusion. For duly diagnosing a child with lymphadenopathy, a pediatrician should be aware of a wide range of nosologies and be attentive to any detail of the case history, clinical picture and laboratory examination data, as it may influence not only the treatment efficiency but even life forecast for the patient.
Key words: children, lymphadenopathies, glands, diagnostics.
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