Investigation of morphologic state of optic part of cornea and limb after wearing soft and orthokeratologic lenses
1The Cheboksary Branch of the S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution, 10 Traktorostroiteley Ave., Cheboksary, Russian Federation, 680033
2Doctors’ Improvement Institute of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, 3 Krasnaya Square, Cheboksary, Russian Federation, 428003
3Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanov, 15 Moskovskiy Ave., Cheboksary, Russian Federation, 428015
Pashtaev N.P. ― D. Med. Sc., Professor, Director, tel. (8352) 52-05-75, e-mail:
Pozdeeva N.A. ― D. Med. Sc., Deputy Director, tel. (8352) 36-91-81, e-mail:
Bodrova S.G. ― Cand. Med. Sc., Head of the Cabinet of contact correction of vision, tel. (8352) 36-91-23, e-mail:
Zarayskaya M.M. ― ophthalmologist of the Cabinet of contact correction of vision, tel. (8352) 36-91-23, e-mail:
Sidukova Yu.M. ― ophthalmologist, tel. (8352) 36-91-23, e-mail:
Tikhonova O.I. ― ophthalmologist of the Cabinet of contact correction of vision, tel. (8352) 36-91-23, e-mail:
25 patients with myopia in varying degrees who used soft contact lenses (SCL) or orthokeratology lenses (OKL) for vision correction were investigated. All patients underwent hystomorphologic investigation of cornea in center and in limb field with confocal tomograph Heidelberg Retina Tomograph-3 (Heidelberg Engineering GmbH, Германия) with corneal module. While cornea was investigated lay by lay, mean density of Langerhans cells in center was 63±5 cells/mm² (range 6-161 cells/mm²), at periphery 103±7 cells/mm² (range 90-117 cells/mm²) in SCL users. Those who wore OKL had mean density of Langerhans cells in center ― 63±5 cells/mm² (range 6-161 cells/mm²), at periphery ― 103±7 cells/mm² (range 90-117 cells/mm²) in SCL users. It should be noted that all of these studies are within the normal range of healthy individuals. Normal values of Langerhans cells density are an objective safety indicator of SCL and OKL application.
Key words: in vivo confocal microscopy, Langerhans cells, orthokeratology lenses.
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