Interstitial lung diseases in children: clinical and radiation characteristics
BashkirStateMedicalUniversity, Ufa
Republican Children Clinical Hospital, Ufa
Kazymova Daria Vladimirovna
post-graduate student of the Department of Hospital Pediatrics
104 Chernyshevskogo Str., apt.140, Ufa 450077
tel. (347) 255 73 26, е-mail:
The article presents the diagnostic results of 48 patients suffering from interstitial lung diseases which stay in pulmonary departments of Republican Children Clinical Hospital in Ufa. The most common types of interstitial lung diseases in children are identified. The symptoms, clinical and laboratory and radiological peculiarities at various interstitial lung diseases of these patients are specified.
Key words: bronchiolitis, exogenous allergic alveolitis, idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis, high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT).
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