Interrelation between university students’ majors and mental health
1 Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russian Federation
2 Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russian Federation
Contact details:
Garipov R.R. – 2nd year resident of the Department of Psychiatry
Address: 49 Butlerov St., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420012, e-mail:
The research objective is to assess mental state of students, to analyze their mental health and its dependence on the characteristics and conditions of educational process.
Materials and methods. We surveyed mental health of 203 students from general medicine faculty of Kazan State Medical University, economics faculty and law faculty of Kazan Federal University. Standardized international questionnaires were used: PHQ, PHQ-9 (Depression) and STAI, as well as self-created survey with questions about students’ habits and attitudes towards smoking, drinking and using recreational drugs.
Results. The factors are indicated that affect students’ mental health during the educational process. The relationship is shown between students’ majors and various mental states. We found interrelation between emotional disorders and eating disorders.
Conclusion. The necessity is substantiated to change the conditions of university education with a view of creating a psychologically more comfortable educational environment.
Key words: students’ mental health; depressive disorders; bulimia; gluttony; anxiety disorders; educational process.
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