Interrelation between the bone mineral density and clinicoradiologic changes in case of rheumatoid arthritis
Nasonova Research Institute of Rheumatology RAMS, 34a Kashirskoe highway, Moscow, Russian Federation, 115522
Petrova E.V. — postgraduate student, tel. +7-903-246-28-32, e-mail:
Dydykina I.S. — Cand. Med. Sc., Leading researcher of laboratory of safety of anti-rheumatic medicines, tel. +7-903-763-21-98, e-mail:
The literature review is devoted to the study of local and generalized bone tissue loss in case of rheumatoid arthritis. Factors, which have impact on decrease in bone mineral density, on fractures, progressing of erosive and destructive changes in hands and feet, deformation of vertebras and interrelation between them, contribution of glucocorticoids to these changes are studied. Interest in this problem promptly increases in recent years in connection with the implementation of the «Treatment to target» program, use at treatment of both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis biological medications and finding ways to reduce invalidism and to improve life quality of patients.
Key words: rheumatoid arthritis, bone mineral density, erosion, vertebral fractures, glucocorticoids.
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