Influence of infectious and noninfectious factors on recrudescence of chronic obstructive lung disease in professional environment of oil workers
Central hospital for oil workers of the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic, Baku
Abdullaev Adalyat Yusuph ogly
Candidate of Medical Science, Head of Pulmonology Department
17 Yu.Sapharova Str., Baku AZ 1025
tel.: +994 50 210 54 23, e-mail:
A study of the etiological structure of pathogens in exacerbations of COPD, as well as the frequency of exacerbations in oil workers, depending on the impact of occupational hazards. After the bacteriological analysis of sputum in 78,6% of cases were found the gram-positive cocci (Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus haemolyticus, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus pyogenes) ― 56 (39,8%), Haemophilus influenzae ― 43 (27,9%), Enterobacteriaceae ― 21 (13,6%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa – 18 (8,3%), Moraxella catarrhalis ― 16 (10,4%). One of the most important non-infectious risk factors of COPD are occupational hazards. The marine oil workers with total availability of occupational hazards and climatic environmental factors often had non-infectious recrudescences of COPD — 43.6% of patients compared with 11.7% of those working in the oil industry on land.
Key words: COPD, oil workers, infection, recrudescence, sputum.
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