Indicators of the of carnitine and amino acids exchange in adolescent athletes
1Kazan State Medical University, Kazan
2Federal Scientific Clinical Center of Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation of FMBA, Moscow
Contact details:
Rylova N.V. — MD, Professor of the Department of Hospital Pediatrics with a course in Polyclinic Pediatrics
Address: 49 Butlerov Str., 420012, Kazan, tel.: (843) 237-30-37, e-mail:
Objective: To study the features of carnitine and amino acid metabolism in young athletes.
Material and methods: 131 children (I-II health groups) aged 12 to 17 years 11 months were examined. The main group was 94 young athletes. The control group was 37 children not engaged in sports. The level of free and bound carnitine and amino acids was determined by tandem chromatography-mass spectrometry. According to the results of the examination of two groups of children, the content of free carnitine is significantly higher in young athletes (p <0.05). Significant differences exist in the free/bound carnitine index. This index is significantly higher for athletes (p <0.05). The reliability of differences in the content of methionine was noted at p <0.001. Conclusion. The tests indicate the presence of a number of features of carnitine status and amino acid metabolism in young athletes. It can be assumed that the obtained data reflect a more efficient cellular energy exchange in children involved in sports.
Key words: young athletes, carnitine, amino acids, fat percentage
(For citation: Rylova N.V., Zholinsky A.V., Biktimirova A.A. Indicators of the of carnitine and amino acids exchange in adolescent athletes. Practical medicine. 2019, Vol. 17, № 5, P. 103-106)
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