Indicators for monitoring the dental caries preventive programs
Kazan State Medical Academy, 36 Butlerov St., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420012
Shaymiyeva N.I. — Cand. Med. Sc., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Orthopedic Stomatology and General Dentistry, tel. (843) 264-50-18, е-mail:
The high efficacy of systemic and local fluoride use for dental caries prevention has been confirmed by this study. Significant index Caries (SiC) and DMF indices were employed to evaluate preventive effect of fluoridated milk and dental sealants. In total 604 children at the age of 7-8 years were examined. In children under the age of 12 SiC was lower (1.6) then in the reference group. In group 2 «Fluorinated milk + Sealants» DMF was 0,55±0,99; Group 1 «Fluorinated milk» had SiC equal to 2.4 and DMF equal to 0,91±1,39; Group 3 «Sealants» had SiC equal to 1.88 and DMF equal to 0,77±1,07. SiC implementation provides the most reliable estimation of the prevention programs effectiveness. It was concluded that use of SiC and DMF indices provides reliable data for the estimation of the effectiveness of implemented preventive programs.
Key words: SiC, DMF, dental caries, prevention, fluoridated milk, dental sealants.
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