Importance of brain magnetic resonance tomography for improvement of staging the peripheral non-small cell lung carcinoma
Republican Clinical Oncologic Dispensary of the MH of RT, Kazan
Kazan State Medical Academy
Laryukov Andrey viktorovich
Candidate of Medical Science, Head of the Department of roentgen diagnostics of Republican Clinical Oncologic Dispensary, assistant of the Department of ultrasonic diagnosis of Kazan State Medical Academy
29 Siberian road, Kazan 420019,
tel. 8-960-032-42-96, e-mail:
In order to improve the algorithm of radiological diagnosis methods of metastasis of peripheral non-small cell lung cancer (PNRL) into the brain were analyzed the medical records of 1473 patients treated at Republican clinical oncologic dispensary (2006-2010), and the diagnostic results of 236 patients with peripheral non-small cell lung cancer treated at Republican clinical oncologic dispensary in 2011-2012. The results of magnetic resonance tomography were estimated. Authors analyzed the frequency of brain metastasis with peripheral non-small cell lung carcinoma depending on sizes of primary site, histological structure of primary neoplasm and terms of brain metastasis detection after diagnosis of peripheral lung cancer.
Key words: magnetic resonance tomography (MRT), peripheral non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), metastases, brain.
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