Impact of transpersonal psychotherapy on reactive anxiety in individuals with chemical addition undergoing rehabilitation in a narcology center
Kazan State Medical Academy – Branch Campus of the FSBEI FPE RMACPE MOH Russia, Kazan, Russian Federation
Contact details:
Nabiullina R.R. – D. Sc. (medicine), Professor of the Department of psychotherapy and Narcology
Address: 36 Butlerov St., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420012, e-mail:
The research objective is to study the dynamics of reactive anxiety in patients with chemical and alcohol addictions in a narcology center.
Material and methods. The efficiency of group transpersonal psychotherapy in 27 patients of a narcology rehabilitation center was assessed. Reactive anxiety was assessed with State-Trait Anxiety Inventory – STAI, in modification by Yu.L. Khanin. Testing by Spielberger-Khanin was performed with two forms: for measuring the reactive anxiety indicators and for measuring the personal anxiety level.
Results. It has been stated that, during a 30 days long group transpersonal psychotherapy, the frequency of high reactive anxiety reliably decreases (p˂0,05), as well as its average value, while the frequency of low reactive anxiety reliably increases (p˂0,05).
Conclusion. The obtained results show favorable influence of group transpersonal psychotherapy on psychological state of patients with chemical and alcohol addictions and the promising character of further research in this field.
Key words: transpersonal psychotherapy, chemical addition, rehabilitation, group psychotherapy, reactive anxiety, psychological stress, breakdown, emotional tension.
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