Hyperproduction of catecholamines as a factor of oxidative stress induction in the course of alcoholic mania
Chelyabinsk Regional Clinical Narcology Hospital, 36 40 let Oktyabrya St., Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation, 454007
Vinogradov D.B. — Cand. Med.Sc., Head of the Department of Emergency Narcological Care, tel. (351) 254-47-14, e-mail: cimes8@mail.ru
Izarovsky B.V. — head physician, tel. (351) 775-12-22, e-mail: b-izarovskij@yandex.ru
The study involved 115 patients with symptoms of alcoholic mania. The content of the products of free radical oxidation, catecholamines, histamine and serotonin in the blood was defined. The results of the study allow drawing a conclusion that overproduction of catecholamine is an important factor in the induction of oxidative stress in alcoholic delirium. The main manifestation of oxidative stress is the activation of oxidative modification of proteins with the accumulation of the aldehyde product of nature and the products of oxidation of aromatic amino acids.
Key words: alcoholic mania, catecholamine, free radical oxidation, oxidative modification of proteins.
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