Gender aspects of employment and management in the inter-sectoral research “Eye microsurgery” complex
1The S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution, 59A Beskudnikovsky Blvr, Moscow, Russian Federation, 127474
2Institute for Medical-Biological Issues of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 76А Khoroshevskoye shosse, Moscow, Russian Federation, 123007
3National Research Institute for Public Health named after N.A. Semashko, 12 Vorontsova Pole Str., building 1, Moscow, Russian Federation, 105064
4Cheboksary branch of S. Fedorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution, 10 prospekt Traktorostroiteley, Cheboksary, Russian Federation, 428028
Khodzhaev N.S. ― Doc. Med. Sc., Professor, Deputy Director on organizational work and innovative development, tel. (499) 488-8416, e-mail:
Morozova T.A. ― Cand. Med. Sc., Senior Researcher, tel.: 8(499)195-15-73, e-mail:
Berseneva E.A. ― Doc. Med. Sc., Head of the Center for Higher and Additional Professional Education, tel. (495) 917-05-55, e-mail:
Pozdeyeva N.A. ― Doc. Med. Sc., Deputy Director for Research, tel.: 8 (8352) 48-25-86, e-mail:
The research objective was to develop a database on gender statistics in an organization, to analyze the gender indicators of employment and management in one of the leading healthcare organizations of Russia, to analyze the main modern trends in the industry. Material and methods. The gender statistics was analyzed in S. Fedorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution in Moscow and 10 branches in Volgograd, Irkutsk, Kaluga, Krasnodar, Novosibirsk, Orenburg, Saint Petersburg, Tambov, Khabarovsk, and Cheboksary. The most important indicators were considered: percentage of men and women in various medical areas, number of men and women in management and scientific departments, number of men and women with scientific degrees, efficiency of surgeons of the two genders, number of men and women among military servants, number of business trips, awards, number of men and women with higher non-medical education. Results and discussion. The gender indicators in S. Fedorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution revealed several regularities: horizontal and vertical segregation, efficacy of women’s management and the increase of women’s professional and social activity. The prevalence of women among surgeons appeared to be a new and unexpected trend, as historically surgery used to be men’s profession. This testifies to the modern trend for the women to occupy a more active professional and social position and challenge the traditional distribution of labor. Conclusion. Development of the gender database, analysis of gender indicators in the public health sector is topical, as it allows identifying modern trends in the sector and revealing new approaches to solving the social-demographic and gender issues.
Key words: gender indicators, organization of public healthcare, databases
(For citation: Khodzhaev N.S., Morozova T.A., Berseneva E.A., Pozdeyeva N.A. Gender aspects of employment and management in the inter-sectoral research “Eye microsurgery” complex. Practical Medicine. 2018)
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