Frequently ailing children: an infectiologist’s viewpoint
Izhevsk State Medical Academy, 281 Kommunarov Str., 426034 Izhevsk, Russian Federation
Kankasova M.N. — Cand. Med. Sc., Associate Professor of the Department of Children’s Infections, tel. +7-912-756-92-57, e-mail:
Mokhova O.G. — Cand. Med. Sc., Associate Professor of the Department of Children’s Infections, tel. +7-912-446-44-04, e-mail:
Pozdeyeva O.S. — Cand. Med. Sc., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Children’s Infections, tel. +7-912-448-57-22, e-mail:
The article presents a review of modern data on the issue of frequently ailing children (FAC) from an infectiologist’s viewpoint. The important role of herpes viruses in FAC group forming is marked. Clinical syndromes are presented, which serve as an indicator for this group examination, as well s methods for their diagnosing.
Key words: frequently ailing children, acute respiratory viral infections, herpes virus infections, immunity, diagnostics.
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