Frequency of recurrent forms of endogenous uveitis, ways to improve their etiological diagnosis and treatment
1Khabarovsk branch of S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution, 211 Tikhookeanskaya Str., Khabarovsk, Russian Federation, 680033
2Far-Eastern State Medical University, 35 Muraviev-Amurskii Str., Khabarovsk, Russian Federation, 680000
3City Clinical Hospital №10, 213 Tikhookeanskaya Str., Khabarovsk, Russian Federation, 680033
Sorokin E.L. ― D. Sc. (medicine), Professor, Deputy Director on Scientific Work, Professor of the General and Clinical Surgery Department, tel. (4212) 72-27-92, e-mail:
Avramenko S.Yu. ― Head of the Ophthalmology Department, tel. (4212) 72-27-92, e-mail:
Kalashnikov A.A. ― Chief Doctor, tel. (4212) 72-27-92, e-mail:
Pyatyshina O.V. ― PhD (medicine), Associate Professor of the General and Clinical Surgery Department, tel.: +7 (4212) 72-27-92, e-mail:
Burya R.A. ― resident of the Ophthalmology Course at the General and Clinical Surgery Department, tel. (4212) 72-27-92, e-mail:
Kostiv V.Ya. ― PhD (medicine), Associate Professor of the General and Clinical Surgery Department, tel. (4212) 72-27-92, e-mail:
The research objective was to study the frequency of anterior uveitis, their etiology and outcomes in adult residents of the Khabarovsk Region. A continuous sample of all cases of endogenous anterior uveitis in adult patients of the Khabarovsk Region from 2010 to 2016 was conducted. The total number of cases of anterior uveitis in this period was 2264 people, i.e. 40.8% of all cases of inflammatory pathology of the anterior segment of the eye in this study. In 578 people, the clinical course of anterior uveitis was acute (26.7%), in 1593 people ― recurrent, chronic (73.3%). In 23% of patients with chronic course of anterior uveitis, etiology was determined: the majority had systemic rheumatic pathology, foci of focal infection. In 77% of patients with recurrent course of uveitis, its etiology was not identified. The main etiological cause of recurrent course of anterior uveitis in this research is rheumatoid systemic pathology (65%). In diagnosis and treatment of anterior uveitis, close cooperation between ophthalmologists and rheumatologists is necessary.
Key words: endogenous anterior uveitis, recurrent course, rheumatoid systemic pathology, complications of uveitis.
(For citation: Sorokin E.L., Avramenko S.Yu., Kalashnikov A.A., Pyatyshina O.V., Burya R.A., Kostiv V.Ya. Frequency of recurrent forms of endogenous uveitis, ways to improve their etiological diagnosis and treatment. Practical Medicine. 2018)
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