Frequency of peripheral retinal dystrophy in children and adolescents with myopia, depending on age, sex and length of an eyeball
Novosibirsk branch of the «Interbranch Scientific and Technical Complex «Eye Microsurgery» named after the acad. S. N. Fedorov» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, 10 Kolkhidskaya Str., Novosibirsk, Russian Federation, 630096
Tonkopiy O.V. ― Ophthalmologist of the 4th Ophthalmological Department, tel. +7-913-765-26-15, e-mail:
Stanishevskaya O.M. ― Ophthalmologist of the 4th Ophthalmological Department, tel. +7-913-776-47-07, e-mail:
Chernykh V.V. ― D. Med. Sc., Professor, director, tel. (383) 341-01-55, e-mail:
Malinovskaya M.A. ― Head of the 4th Ophthalmological Department, tel. +7-913-914-24-25, e-mail:
Antsiferova N.G. ― Cand. Med. Sc., Ophthalmologist of the 3rd Ophthalmological Department, tel. +7-913-901-73-28, e-mail:
Plisov I.L. ― D. Med. Sc., Ophthalmologist of the 3rd Ophthalmological Department, tel. +7-913-913-09-69, e-mail:
The article presents the results of a study of 151 myopic patients with retinal degenerations (191 eyes) aged from 6 to 16 years. Preventive laser coagulation of the retina took place in all cases. Relation in the incidence of peripheral retinal dystrophies, depending on sex, age and length of the eyeball was discovered. 222 cases of peripheral retinal degeneration have been identified: lattice dystrophy ― 88 (39.6%), gap with detachment ― 11 (5%), gap without detachment ― 28 (12.6%), abnormal pigmentation ― 14 (6.3%), traction ― 81 (36.5%). It was found out that a lattice dystrophy and traction are the dominant pathological retinal changes. Peripheral retinal dystrophy in boys (52.3%) is more common, than in girls (47.7%). The nosological structure of peripheral retinal dystrophy in boys and girls is different, both in prepubertal and pubertal ages. The greatest number of patients with peripheral retinal dystrophy in prepubertal age is revealed with eyeball length 25.0-25.9 mm: girls ― 21 persons (47.7%), boys ― 43 persons (60.6%). In all the pateints population with myopia in this age is observed significant correlation between the elongation of the eyeball length from 24.0-24.9 to 25.0-25.9 mm, and increase in the incidence of peripheral retinal dystrophies (girls ― r=1; boys ― r=1). With further growth of an eye correlation becomes negative (girls ― r=-1; boys ― r=-1). In puberty dystrophy are most often detected at length of the eye 25.0-25.9 mm and 24.0-24.9 mm: girls ―– 23 (37.1%) and 21 (33.9%) people, boys ― 18 (40%) and 19 (42.2%) people. At the same time is observed a significant negative correlation between the eyeball length and frequency of disease (r=-0.99; r=-0.82) except for sub-group of boys during the growth of the eyeball from 24.0-24.9 up to 25.0-25.9 mm (r=1).
Key words: peripheral retinal dystrophy, myopia.
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