Frequency of erythrocyte antigens and allosensibilization peculiarities in cardiac-surgery patients
1Research Institute for Complex Issues of Cardiovascular Disease, Kemerovo
2Kemerovo State Medical University, Kemerovo
Contact details:
Fanaskova E.V. ― PhD (medicine), Junior Researcher of the Laboratory of Homeostasis Research Department for Diagnosis of Cardiovascular Diseases
Address: 6 Sosnoviy boulevard, Kemerovo, Russian Federation, 650002, tel. (3842) 64-05-53, e-mail:
Due to hemorrhagic complications, about 50-60% of cardiac surgery patients in the perioperative period receive components of donor blood. However, transfusion of donor blood not only improves the patient’s condition, but also increases the risk of post-transfusion complications (VTE) deteriorating the results of surgical treatment. To ensure the safety of allohemotransfusions and prevent hemolytic post-transfusion complications, it is important to appropriately study the immune state of blood of the patients.
Objective ― to determine the frequency of occurrence of erythrocyte antigens (A, B, D, C, Cw, c, E, e, K), the index and the structure of allosensibilisation of patients of the cardiosurgical profile.
Material and methods. In 29931 blood samples of cardiac patients, were determined blood group system AB0, Rh-Hr, carried phenotyping for the antigens C, CW, c, E, e, antigen K system Kell using monoclonal antibodies (Colyclons produced by Hematologist LLC, Moscow) by agglutination reaction on a plane, as well as by gel filtration using gel technology («Bio-Rad laboratories», USA, France), which was also used in detecting immune erythrocytic antibodies.
Results. Among the AB0 blood group system for commonly encountered 0 (I) (37.6%), followed by A (II) (33.2%), further in В (III) (21.6%) and AB (IV) (7.6%). Rh-positive individuals constituted 85.1% and Rh-negative ― 14.9%. Among the alloantibodies, most frequent were Rhesus antibodies (71.5%). Less frequent were antibodies to other systems: anti-K (8.8%), anti-M, S (5.8%), anti-Fya (1.0%), anti-Jka (1.0%), anti-Lea, Leb (2.0%). The estimated index of sensibilization among patients was 1.3%.
Conclusions. The findings show a high degree of alloimmunization persons surveyed and the potential risk of developing hemolytic-type post-transfusion complications.
Key words: alloimmunization, sensitization index, prevention of post-transfusion complications of hemolytic type.
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