FemtoLASIK in patients with divergent strabismus
Volgograd branch of S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution, 80 Zemlyachki Str., Volgograd, Russian Federation, 400138
Kuznetsova O.S. – ophthalmologist of the Department of Refraction Abnormalities Correction, ophthalmosurgeon, tel. (8442) 58-15-95, e-mail: ol777ya@mail.ru
Balalin S.V. – D. Sc. (medicine), Head of the Scientific Department, tel. (8442) 58-16-44, e-mail: s.v.balalin@gmail.com
There were examined 25 patients (50 eyes) with myopia and monolateral exotropia on the background of anisometropic amblyopia before and after FemtoLASIK. Before the surgery the average spherical component was -3.5 ± 0.51 D on the leading eye and 5.5 ± 0.53 D on the oblique eye. The deviation angle from outside was 11.1 ± 0.75°. One month after the operation, 19 patients (76%) had orthophoria at close and long distance without correction, in 3 patients (12%) outward deviation was noted but the angle of strabismus decreased. The angle of deviation did not change in 1 patient (4%). Six months after the operation, orthophoria was examined in 24 patients (96%), and 1 patient (4%) had slight deviation to the temples to 3-5 ° remained. An increase in the uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA) on the amblyopic eyes was noted in 19 people (72%) on average from 0.5 to 0.7 after 1 month, for a period of 6 months in 20 patients (80%) – up to 1.0 and after 12 month in 5 patients (20%) – 0.8. After 12 months, UCVA in 22 patients (88%) was 1.0. Patients had binocular vision at all times of observation. FemtoLASIK is a highly effective and safe method of monolateral exotropiatreatmenton the background of myopia and anisometropia in combination with amblyopia.
Key words: myopia, anisometropia, amblyopia, exotrophy, FemtoLASIK.
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