Febrile states: possibility of early diagnosis at policlinics — hospital emergency department — clinics
Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko, 10 Studencheskaya Str., Voronezh, Russian Federation, 394036
Pertsev A.V. ― postgraduate student of the Department of Faculty Therapy, tel. +7-952-555-58-47, e-mail: pertsev.vrn@yandex.ru
Grechkin V.I. ― Cand. Med. Sc., Associate Professor of the Department of Faculty Therapy, tel. (473) 263-81-30, e-mail: k.f.ter@yandex.ru
Budnevsky A.V. ― D. Med. Sc., Professor, Head of the Department of Faculty Therapy, Vice-Rector on Research, tel. (473) 263-81-30, e-mail: k.f.ter@yandex.ru
Malysh E.Yu. ― Cand. Med. Sc., Assistant of the Department of Faculty Therapy, tel. (473) 263-81-30, e-mail: k.f.ter@yandex.ru
The article presents an analysis of 167 cases of fever in patients at the stage policlinics-hospital emergency department ― clinics for the purpose of studying the structure of febrile syndrome. Of the 167 febrile patients, pneumonia was found in 49, infective endocarditis ― 39, chronic alcoholic hepatitis ― in 23, rheumatoid arthritis (pseudoseptic) ― in 2, systemic lupus erythematosus ― in 1, polymyositis ― in 2, acute pyelonephritis (or aggravation of the chronic one) ― in 16, tumors of various localization ― in 35 patients. The information was analyzed of some of blood parameters at acute phase, X-ray and ultrasonic research in the early diagnosis of infective endocarditis and pneumonia.
Key words: febrile states, radiographic and ultrasonic methods, pneumonia, infective endocarditis.
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