Features of walking disorders in multiple sclerosis
1Bechtereva Institute of the Human Brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg
2 Novel SPb Corp., St. Petersburg
Contact details:
Dorokhov A.D. — postgraduate student
Address: 9 Akademika Pavlova Str., St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 197376, tel.: +7-951-666-95-99, e-mail: dorohovart@yandex.ru
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common demyelinating disease of the central nervous system, affecting persons of young working age and quickly leading them to disability, accompanied by motor disorders. Movement disorders lead to changes in gait, which can be quantified using a variety of techniques.
The purpose — to study the current literature data on pathogenetic mechanisms of development and clinical features of motor disorders in multiple sclerosis, to compare different methods of walking disorders assessment depending on the forms and degree of multiple sclerosis development.
Material and methods. To assess walking disorders, several dozen different techniques are used, which allow estimating the spatial and temporal characteristics of gait. In this review, MS severity was compared with gait parameters using standardized walking assessment methods. Gait examination has important diagnostic value, and also allows observing the course of MS. The simplest tests that do not require special equipment show only the time characteristics of gait. The use of special tracks for gait assessment with data analysis through software shows the temporal and spatial parameters of gait.
Conclusion. The study of gait in multiple sclerosis allows evaluating the subtle, including pre-clinical, manifestations of MS. However, the problem of walking disorders according to literature sources is not fully disclosed, which requires a comprehensive study in this area.
Key words: multiple sclerosis, gait impairment, walking disorders in multiple sclerosis, gait estimation methods.
(For citation: Dorokhov A.D., Shkilnyuk G.G., Tsvetkova Т.L., Stoliarov I.D. Features of walking disorders in multiple sclerosis. Practical Medicine. 2019. Vol. 17, № 7, P. 28-32)
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