Features of modeling individual Relative Motion orthoses for patients with hand extensor apparatus injuries
1Republic Clinical Hospital, Kazan
2Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan
Contact details:
Khannanova I.G. — leading researcher
Address: 138 Orenburgskiy trakt, Kazan, Russian Federation, 420064, tel.: +7-917-252-99-12, e-mail: ilysya1961@jmail.ru
Relative motion orthoses (RM) are an extremely important and useful aspect in hand therapy. They can be used for various diseases and injuries of the hand, including immobilization individually in each specific case, fixation in the required position, and active and passive workout of the joints. For the successful application of these orthoses, the hand therapist must pay attention to every detail during its fabrication.
Key words: orthotic modeling, relative motion orthoses, hand rehabilitation, extensor tendon injury.
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