Features of clinical course of new coronavirus COVID-19 infection in the third trimester pregnant woman with total lung damage
1Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa
Contact details:
Gromenko R.I. — Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 1
Address: 3 Lenin St., Ufa, Russian Federation, 450008, tel.: +7-917-435-38-21, e-mail: reginagromenko@mail.ru
Pregnancy is known to complicate the course of viral infection due to its physiological changes. This publication presents a clinical case of a new coronavirus infection (NCI) in a third-trimester pregnant woman with total lung damage (96% of lesion in accordance of KT data). NCI infection occurred at 33 weeks of gestation, and surgical delivery was performed due to the severe condition of the patient. In this case there were complications of the cardiopulmonary system and atypical changes in the laboratory parameters. Postpartum period was accompanied by pulmonary complications of reversible nature (from bilateral interstitial pneumonia with a large lesion area to the development of pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, emphysema, pulmonary bullae). Thanks to the timely medical care provided by the specialists of the Infectious Diseases Hospital, the case clinically ended safely for both mother and fetus.
Key words: pregnancy, total lung injury, new coronavirus COVID-19 infection, pneumonia, pregnancy complications.
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