Features of acute intestinal infections occurring with the syndrome of dehydration
Kazan State Medical University
Republican Clinical Hospital of Infectious Diseases, Kazan
Khaliullina Svetlana Viktorovna
Candidate of Medical Science, doctoral student of the Department of childhood infections
17 Amirkhana Str., apt.59, Kazan 420124
tel. 8-917-860-92-46, e-mail: svekhal@mail.ru
In the framework of a retrospective cohort study a comparative analysis of the clinical and epidemiological and laboratory features of acute infectious diarrhea, associated with the syndrome of dehydration, was made. The study included the observation of 2258 patients: 1122 children with dehydration (exposed), 1136 — the control group. It was found that the development of a child’s dehydration is related to the etiology of the disease, the level of lesions in gastrointestinal tract, the presence and severity of vomiting syndrome. Diarrhea, infectious and toxic syndromes have no significant influence on the frequency of dehydration. In 93% of cases dehydration in children with acute infectious diarrhea is isotonic.
Key words: acute infectious diarrhea, dehydration, children.
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