Extrapulmonary tuberculosis. Difficulties in diagnosing an immunocompromised person
Naberezhnye Chelny Hospital for Infectious Diseases, 85 Moskovskiy Pr., Naberezhnye Chelny, Russian Federation, 423812
Streltsov E.P. ― infectious disease doctor, Head of the Admission Department, tel. +7-919-680-88-60, e-mail: streltcov84@yandex.ru
Aglyamova T.A. ― infectious disease doctor, Deputy Chief Doctor for Medical Work, tel. +7-905-374-43-04, e-mail: tagl@yandex.ru
Nugmanov R.T. ― infectious disease doctor, Chief Doctor, tel. (8552) 58-53-55, e-mail: rishat.nugmanov@mail.ru
Solyanik S.N. ― infectious disease doctor, Head of the Department of HIV-infection, tel. +7-987-069-08-07, e-mail: sergeycolyanik1983@yandex.ru
Knyazeva O.Yu. ― doctor-laboratory assistant, Head of laboratory, tel. (8552) 58-51-49, e-mail: infbol@mail.ru
The case of extrapulmonary tuberculosis ― a tuberculous pericarditis in a 42-year-old patient ― is presented. Clarification of etiology lasted more than a month against the background of the advanced stage of HIV infection (CD 4 ― 55×106/L) without antiviral treatment. The simultaneous prescription of antituberculous agents and the antiviral regimen in combination with pathogenetic treatment did not have success.
Key words: extrapulmonary tuberculosis, HIV, pericarditis, mycobacteria, PCR.
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