Experience of using myorings for correction of high myopia in patients with thin cornea
Cheboksary Branch of S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution, 10 Traktorostroiteley Pr., Cheboksary, Russian Federation, 428028
Kulikova I.L. ― D. Med. Sc., Deputy Director for Clinical Work, tel. (8352) 36-91-53, е-mail: koulikova@mail.ru
Vasilyeva L.I. ― ophthalmologist, tel. (8352) 36-90-74, e-mail: liana.unishkova@mail.ru
The article presents the clinical functional analysis of the results of MyoRing implantation in patients with high myopia and thin cornea. 48 patients (86 eyes) aged 24-45 years were operated. Weak amblyopia and peripheral horioretinal dystrophy of retina was revealed in this group of patients. Before surgery, the mean spherical component of manifest refraction was -13.4±1.4 D, cylindric -2,5±1.2 D. Mean minimal pachimetry at the center was 464±20 mkm (range 430-498 mkm). Mean keratometry was 44.50±3.0 D (range 36.25-48.15 D). In four years after MyoRing implantation, UDVA was 0.45±0.6 D, CDVA 0.57±0,15D, spherical component was -0.7±0.31 D, cylindrical -0.3±0.15D. Corneal hysteresis (CH) was 9.43±0.01 mm Hg, cornea resistance factor (CRF) was 9.7±0.15 mm Hg. Keratotopographic indices were: ISV=72.05±16, IVA=0.89±0.14 mm, IHA=23.6±13.8 mkm and Rmin=7.7±0.15 mm. Besides high predictability of refractive effect and visual functions, the analysis showed the preservation of biomechanical indices of cornea and insignificant changes of keratotopographic indices in comparison with the norm, which confirms the safety and efficiency of MyoRing implantation in patients with high myopia and thin cornea.
Key words: high myopia, thin cornea, intrastromal corneal MyoRing implant, femtosecond laser.
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