Experience of using Glautex drainage in non-penetrating deep sclerectomy
Orenburg branch of the S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution, 17 Salmyshskaya Str., Orenburg, Russian Federation, 460047
Chuprov A.D. ― D. Med. Sc., Professor, Director, tel. (3532) 36-44-59, e-mail: ofmntkmg@esoo.ru
Saneeva Zh.Kh. ― ophthalmologist, tel. (3532) 65-06-82, e-mail: nauka@ofmntk.ru
Lanovskaya Yu.I. ― ophthalmologist, tel. (3532) 65-06-82, e-mail: nauka@ofmntk.ru
In case of ineffectiveness of drug therapy and laser treatment of glaucoma, surgical methods of treatment are applied, preferably of non-penetrating type. To improve the effect of the operation, various drainages are used. The main requirements to antiglaucoma drainage are: removal of aqueous humor from the anterior chamber without hypotension development; durable; hypotensive effect; high biocompatibility, elasticity, stability and humidity permeability. These requirements are met by Glautex drainage.
The research objective is to estimate the effectiveness of glaucoma surgical treatment using Glautex biodegradable drainage for non-penetrating antihypertensive operations.
Material and methods. The results of non-penetrating deep sclerectomy with Glautex biodegradable drainage were analyzed in 32 patients (32 eyes) with 1-4 stages of primary open-angle glaucoma, aged 32 to 80 years, on the maximum drug regimen. Intraocular pressure (IOP) in patients ranged from 16 to 45 mm Hg, progression of optic nerve disc excavation and narrowing of the visual fields were observed.
Results and discussion. IOP in the early postoperative period in all patients was in the range of 12-19 mm Hg. Visual acuity did not change in 12 cases, in 20 cases it increased by 0.05-0.3. A small percentage of ciliochoroidal detachment (2 eyes) in the early postoperative period is explained by the fact that Glautex drainage prevents a sharp decrease in IOP and excessive filtration of the intraocular fluid. 1 year after the surgery there was a stable IOP decrease, a flat diffuse filter cushion due to suppression of scarring and prolonged resorption of drainage.
Key words: glaucoma, drainage, resorption.
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