Experience in surgical treatment of spastic contractures of the knee using the external distraction apparatus
Republican Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Tatarstan, 138 Orenburgskiy Trakt, Kazan, Russian Federation, 420064
Plakseychuk Yu.A. — Cand. Med. Sc., Leading Researcher of the Scientific Department, Head of the Orthopedic Department № 1, tel. +7-917-269-60-01, е-mail: ramils@list.ru
Salikhov R.Z. — Senior Researcher of the Scientific Department, orthopedic surgeon, tel. +7-917-285-28-28, е-mail: ramils@list.ru
Solovyev V.V. — Researcher of the Scientific Department, orthopedic surgeon, tel. +7-927-672-42-99, е-mail: ramils@list.ru
Ninety-nine patients received surgical treatment by combination of gastrocnemius-muscle recession and external fixation for a flexion contracture of the knee without posterior capsulotomy. Forty three of them were children and adolescents and fifty six were adults. Long-term results were traced in eighty three patients; the recurrent flexion contracture of the knee joint was found in three cases (3.6%). There were no neurovascular or skin complications. The correction improves walking ability in patients with central nervous system disorders. We believe that our surgical method can be considered as the procedure of choice for treatment of severe knee flexion contracture.
Key words: flexion contracture, knee joint; external fixation devices; central nervous system dysfunction; muscle spasticity.
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