Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of corneal crosslinking in the treatment of keratoconus on the device IROC 2000
Kaluga branch of the S.Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution, 5 Svyatoslav Fedorov Str., Kaluga, Russian Federation, 248007
Demyanchenko S.K. ― Cand. Med. Sc., Head of the Department of Optical-reconstructive and Refractive Surgery, tel. (4842) 50-57-67, e-mail: nauka@mntk.kaluga.ru
Tereshchenko A.V. ― Doc. Med. Sc., Director, tel. (4842) 50-57-67, e-mail: nauka@mntk.kaluga.ru
Trifanenkova I.G. ― Cand. Med. Sc., Deputy Director for Research, tel. (4842) 50-57-67, e-mail: nauka@mntk.kaluga.ru
Golovach N.A. ― ophthalmologist of the Department of Optical-reconstructive and Refractive Surgery, tel. (4842) 50-57-67, e-mail: nauka@mntk.kaluga.ru
Vishnyakova E.N. ― ophthalmologist of the Department of Optical-reconstructive and Refractive Surgery, tel. (4842) 50-57-67, e-mail: nauka@mntk.kaluga.ru
To evaluate the efficacy and safety of corneal crosslinking in keratoconus treatment, the analysis was performed of 20 UV corneal crosslinking procedures using a device UV-X 2000 (IROC, Switzerland) on 20 eyes of 20 patients with keratoconus stage 1. The density of endothelial cell (DEC) study revealed no significant difference in comparison with preoperative values throughout the observation period, its value averaged 2778±112 cells/mm². The ceratopachymetry data were slightly below the preoperative indices throughout the observation period and amounted to 456.3±21.4 µm in the thinnest place. There was a slight increase in viscoelasticity of the cornea. The values of corneal hysteresis (CH) and corneal resistance factor (CRF) 6 months after surgery were about 8.88±1.11 and 7.84±1.34 mmHg respectively. According to the cornea optical coherence tomography (OCT), in a period of 6 months after surgery, the demarcation line was actually not detected. The use of the UV-X 2000 device causes classic changes of morphological and functional properties of the cornea, characteristic of standard methods of UV cross-linking. The increase in the intensity of UV radiation has no negative effects on the postoperative period and does not reduce the density of endothelial cells of the cornea. The application of this technology allows to perform the procedure in UV cross-linking in less time, which is a positive factor from the point of view of the surgeon productivity in the operating room and tolerability of this procedure by patients.
Key words: keratoconus, corneal crosslinking.
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