Evaluation of the comparative efficacy of liver steatosis instrumental diagnostics methods in patients with metabolic syndrome.
Smolensk State Medical University, 28 Krupskoy Str., Smolensk, Russian Federation, 214019
Contact details:
Borsukov A.V. — Professor, D. Med. Sc., Professor of the Department of Faculty Therapy, e-mail: bor55@yandex.ru
Venidiktova D.Yu. — Clinical Resident of the Department of Faculty Therapy, e-mail: 92darv@gmail.com
Received: February 20, 2018, accepted for printing: April 9, 2018.
The article describes the results of comparative efficacy of the liver steatosis instrumental diagnostics methods in patients with metabolic syndrome (bioimpedansometry, dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in the “whole body” mode, multiparametric ultrasound). Liver biopsy (n = 30) and multi-spiral computed tomography of the abdominal cavity (n = 112) were used as reference techniques in the clinical group of patients (n = 112). In the evaluation of the liver biopsy samples histological specimens and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in the «whole body» mode comparison at all stages of liver steatosis, we see a good correlation of the data (from r = 0.87 to r = 0.92), which confirms the possibility of using this technique in the diagnosis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease as part of identification of metabolic syndrome. Multiparametric ultrasound investigation (with assessment of hepatic steatosis in B-mode, color Doppler mapping, shear wave elastography, determination of the hepatorenal index and ultrasound wave attenuation coefficient) can be considered as screening with the subsequent transition to multimodal diagnostics using methods of radiation diagnostics if necessary. A new ultrasound technique with a quantitative assessment of liver steatosis in dB/cm has a high correlation with the histological findings of liver biopsy samples: r = 0.87 at the stage S1; to r = 0.84 at the stage S3, which indicates that this method is highly informative.
Key words: metabolic syndrome, liver steatosis, ultrasound diagnostics, dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry.
(For citation: Borsukov A.V., Venidikova D.Yu. Evaluation of the comparative efficacy of liver steatosis instrumental diagnostics methods in patients with metabolic syndrome. Practical medicine. 2018. № 2 (113))
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