Evaluating the effectiveness of the complex therapy of chronic gastritis with chronic erosions using endoscopic coagulation
Izhevsk State Medical Academy
Okhotnikova Marina Vyacheslavovna
post-graduate student at the Department of internal diseases with the courses of radiological methods of diagnostics and treatment, military field therapy, general physician in Medservice LLC
6 Karl Liebknecht Str., apt.152, Izhevsk 426003
tel. 8-906-816-97-13, e-mail: okhot-marina@yandex.ru
The article contains the treatment data of 132 patients with frequently recrudescent chronic gastritis with chronic erosions. 66 patients of the study group had an endoscopic coagulation of chronic gastric erosions, resistant to medical treatment, followed by a bismuth intake. The study showed that inclusion of endoscopic coagulation treatment in the program of complex therapy of chronic gastritis with chronic erosions can reduce the treatment time and the number of recurrences.
Key words: chronic gastritis with chronic erosions, treatment, endoscopic coagulation.
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