Estimation of calcium supply of children with musculoskeletal system pathology
G.Sh. Mansurova, S.V. Maltsev, I.V. Ryabchikov
1Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, 74 Karl Marx Str., 420012 Kazan, Russian Federation
2Kazan State Medical Academy — Branch Campus of the FSBEI FPE RMACPE MOH Russia, 36 Butlerov Str., 420012 Kazan, Russian Federation
3Children’s Republican Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan, 20 Bigichev Str., 420025 Kazan, Russian Federation
Mansurova G.Sh. — Cand. Med. Sc., Associate Professor of the Department of Emergency Medical Care and Simulation Medicine, e-mail:
Maltsev S.V. — Doc. Med. Sc., Professor of the Department of Pediatrics and Perinatology, tel.: (843) 221-94-34, e-mail:
Ryabchikov I.V. — Doc. Med. Sc., Associate Professor of the Department of Emergency Medical Care and Simulation Medicine, Head of the Department of Ambulatory Traumatology and Orthopedics, tel. (843) 221-94-03, e-mail:
The article was submitted on: 11 March 2018, accepted for publication on: 13 April 2018
The normal growth and development of a skeleton in children are associated with sufficient accumulation of calcium in the bone tissue, and these processes are optimal only if calcium supply is sufficient. Deficiency of calcium consumption in modern children and adolescents is generally caused by insufficient consumption of milk and dairy products. Deficiency of calcium gains the special role in school age children with musculoskeletal system pathologies. Assessment of calcium amount in dairy products in the rations of 485 children aged from 6 to 18 years (210 girls and 275 boys) was performed in the Centre of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the Children’s Republican Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Health care of the Republic of Tatarstan. All examined children had orthopedic and traumatology diseases. The investigation of the amount of milk and dairy products included into the daily ration showed that only 73 children (15.0%) received sufficient amounts of them. It was established that most schoolchildren received less than 2/3 of calcium daily norm, and every third schoolchild can be referred to the category with deep insufficiency of calcium consumption — less than 1/3 of the daily physiological norm.
Key words: pathology of the musculoskeletal system, school pupil, calcium, milk, supply.
(For citation: G.Sh. Mansurova, S.V. Maltsev, I.V. Ryabchikov Estimation of calcium supply of children with musculoskeletal system pathology. Practical Medicine. 2018)
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