Epidemiology and risk factors of recurrent pelvic organ prolapse
1Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow
2KazanFederalUniversity, Kazan
Contact details:
OrazovM.R.—MD, ProfessoroftheDepartmentofObstetricsandGynecologywithacoursein perinatology
Address: 6 Miklukho-Maklaya St., Moscow,Russian Federation, 117198,tel.: +7-915-237-52-92, е-mail:omekan@mail.ru
Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is an extremely common condition in the female population, which has a negative impact on the quality of life of patients. Pelvic floor muscle dysfunction can be detected by special examination in 50% of women, but no more than 3% of patients complain, due to the asymptomatic course in some situations and the reluctance of patients to discuss unpleasant symptoms with a doctor.
The only effective way to treat POP is surgical intervention, but this method is associated with a number of risks (intra- and postoperative) and a high risk of recurrence (up to 58%). In case of POP symptoms recurrence after a seemingly effective treatment, reoperation is required (about 30% of patients treated before).
There is evidence that the studied risk factors for POP are common to primary pelvic floor dysfunction and to recurrence after surgical treatment. However, it is difficult to assess their isolated contribution to POP recurrence.
The purposeis to analyze and summarize the currently available evidence on the POP frequency of recurrence and risk factors.
Scientific publications of 2014–2024 in PubMed, ELibrary, CochraneLibrary, Science Direct databases were analyzed using the keywords: pelvic organ prolapse, risk factors, pathogenesis, recurrence.
Based on the literature analysis, it is concluded that to date there is no complete understanding of the risk factors for POP recurrence after reconstructive surgery, the data obtained are not standardized and are often contradictory. More precise determination of POP risk factors will help clinicians to choose the surgical methods most acceptable in a particular clinical situation and to optimize pre- and postoperative treatment.
Key words: pelvic organ prolapse, recurrence, risk factors, surgical treatment.
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