Epidemic process in sexually transmitted infections
1Kazan State Medical University, Kazan,
2Republican Clinical Dermatology and Venereology Dispensary, Kazan
Contact details:
Agliullin D.R. ― Assistant of the Department of Epidemiology and Evidence-Based Medicine
Address: 49 Butlerov Str., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420012, e-mail: agliullin.damir85@yandex.ru
The work objective is to characterize the epidemic process in sexually transmitted infections in the Republic of Tatarstan.
Materials and methods. Using Microsoft Excel 2010 and R–Studio statistical package, the data on the incidence of sexually transmitted infections were analyzed. Statistical significance of the long-term dynamics of the incidence of sexually transmitted infections was shown with 95% confidence intervals and Student t-test.
Results. A reliable trend towards a decrease in the incidence of sexually transmitted infections has been established in the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tatarstan and the city of Kazan. In the nosological structure of sexually transmitted infections, in 2018 compared with 2014, the incidence of syphilis did not change (6%), and gonorrhea (5.4%) decreased by 2 times (p<0.05). In the five-year period (2014-2018) in the Republic of Tatarstan, anogenital warts (41%) and chlamydia (22%) continue to dominate in the structure of sexually transmitted infections.
Conclusion. Sexually transmitted infections remain an important problem in healthcare. While their incidence decreases, preventive and anti-epidemic measures do not lose their topicality.
Key words: sexually transmitted infections, morbidity, epidemic process.
(For citation: Agliullin D.R., Eremeeva Zh.G., Ibragimova R.Z. Epidemic process in sexually transmitted infections. Practical medicine. 2019. Vol. 17, № 4, P. 81-84)
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