Endocrine myopathy is one of the clinical forms of endocrinous ophthalmopathy
Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, 2/1,Barrikadnaya St., Moscow, Russian Federation 125993
Brovkina A.F. ― academician of the RAS, Professor of the Ophthalmology Department, tel. +7-916-531-03-09, e-mail: anab@list.ru
Zhukova O. D. ― postgraduate student of the Ophthalmology Department, tel. +7-968-659-99-97, e-mail: ksupital@rambler.ru
The diagnostic results of 69 patients with endocrine ophthalmopathy suffering from diplopia at different stages of development of the pathological process are presented in the article. The features of the clinical picture in patients depending on the duration of history are found. There were revealed data that permit to assert a right to the existence of an independent clinical form of primary endocrine myopathy, which differs not only in clinical features, but also in nature of the pathological process that necessitates another treatment algorithm.
Key words: endocrinous ophthalmopathy, endocrine myopathy, extraocular muscles.