Efficacy and safety of nebulized thiamphenicol glycinate atsetiltsisteinate in treatment of chronic diseases of the respiratory system
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
Ovcharenko Svetlana Ivanovna
Doctor of Medical Science, Professor at the Department of Intermediate Level Therapy
26 Olimpiyskiy ave., apt.235, Moscow 129272
tel. 8-916-406-67-78, e-mail: svetftk@mail.ru
The article shows the results of treatment of 25 patients with exacerbations of chronic bronchitis and chronic obstructive lung disease with inhalations of combined antibiotic and mucolytic drug ― thiamphenicol glycinate atsetiltsisteinate. The dynamics of clinical, functional and laboratory parameters of these patients is shown. The data regarding the efficacy and safety of using thiamphenicol glycinate atsetiltsisteinate for patients with acute chronic bronchitis and chronic obstructive lung disease are obtained.
Key words: thiamphenicol glycinate atsetiltsisteinate, chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive lung disease, exacerbation.
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