Effect of anxiety symptoms on eating behavior in Medical University students under the spread of the new coronavirus infection
Smolensk State University, Smolensk
Contact details:
Yankovaya T.N. — PhD (medicine), Associate Professor of the Department of General Medical Practice and Polyclinic Therapy
Address: 28 Krupskaya St., Smolemsk, Russian Federation, 214019, tel.: +7-952-536-39-37, e-mail: med.sgmy@mail.ru
The purpose — to study the influence of anxiety level on restrictive, emotional, external eating behavior in medical students under the spread of the new coronavirus infection.
Material and methods. The study, in which 229 students of a medical university in Smolensk took part, was conducted from October to December 2020. The average age of the respondents was 21.4 ± 3.22 years. The Dutch DEBQ questionnaire was used to identify the types of eating disorders (ED). The anxiety level was assessed using the HADS questionnaire. Statistical processing was carried out using Microsoft Excel.
Results. 91.5% of respondents, more often girls, do not control their eating behavior under the COVID-19 pandemic. Emotional eating behavior disorders are more typical for girls than for boys (χ2 = 13.937; p < 0.05). When assessing the influence of the anxiety degree on the emotional type of PP, it was found that students with subclinical anxiety (63.33%) and especially with clinical anxiety (72.91%) have a hyperphagic reaction to stress (χ2 calculated = 7.617; χ2 due at p < 0.05 = 5.99). When analyzing the dependence of the external type of eating behavior on the severity of anxiety symptoms, it turned out that the majority of participants with subclinical (67.27%) and especially clinical anxiety (73.33%) are not inclined to respond to external stimuli (χ2 calculated = 11.540; χ2 due at p < 0.05 = 9.21).
Conclusions. 91.5% of students of a Medical University, more often girls, do not control restrictive, emotional, external eating behavior. Disorders of the emotional type of eating behavior depend on the gender of students and are more common in girls. The presence of subclinical and especially clinical anxiety contributes to the formation of disorders of the emotional and external type of eating behavior in medical students under isolation.
Key words: eating behavior, restrictive type of eating behavior, emotional type of eating behavior, external type of eating behavior, anxiety.
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