Dynamics of psychological manifestations of comorbid panic and affective disorders during pharmacological and psychotherapeutic treatment
Kursk State Medical University, 3 Karl Marx Str., Kursk, Russian Federation, 305041
Pogosova I.A. ― Cand. Med. Sc., Associate Professor of the Department of Psychiatry and Psychosomatic Medicine, tel. +7-920-263-36-38, e-mail: inchikp@yandex.ru
Golozubova K.N. ― graduate student of the Department of Clinical Psychology, tel. +7-951-076-73-47, e-mail: kristina.golozybova@yandex.ru
The article presents the results of studying 22 patients with comorbid panic and depressive disorders using the clinical psychological method. The basic group was formed of 11 patients treated with pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy to reduce the disease manifestations. 11 patients from the control group were treated with pharmacotherapy only. Inclusion of psychotherapy into treatment promoted the positive dynamics in the emotional sphere and quality of life of patients with comorbid panic and depressive disorders.
Key words: panic disorder, depressive disorder, comorbidity, cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy.
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