Dressler syndrome (literature review)
Saratov State Medical University, Saratov
Contact details:
Blinova V.V. — PhD (medicine), Associate Professor of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases
Address: 112 Bolshaya Kazachya St., Saratov, Russian Federation, 410012, tel.: 8-906-302-45-94, e-mail: blinowa.viky@yandex.ru, ORCID ID 0000-0002-2367-736X
The purpose is to present a literature review on a rather rare pathology — Dressler syndrome, paying special attention to one of its main components — pericarditis.
Material and methods. Russian and foreign literature on Dressler syndrome were studied, with special attention to the sources over the recent 10 years.
Results. A review of the medical literature on the topic — Dressler syndrome is presented, describing the concept, etio-pathogenetic aspects, classification, epidemiology, a brief historical background, clinical picture, laboratory and instrumental features, and tactics of patient management.
Conclusion. Dressler syndrome is understood as a symptom complex that occurs due to myocardial damage of various genesis with the development of autoimmune aggression and subsequent hyperergic reaction with benign lesion of serous membranes, leading to the appearance of pericarditis, pleurisy, pneumonitis and other symptoms. The initial clinical manifestations and the subsequent course of this syndrome, as a rule, are often unexpressed. Therefore, a timely assessment of clinical and instrumental data that go beyond the usual course of the post-infarction / postoperative period, as well as the effect of the therapy used, contributes to the timely diagnosis of this syndrome and, accordingly, the appointment of adequate pathogenetic therapy.
Key words: Dressler syndrome, post-infarction syndrome, pericarditis, Doppler echocardiography.
(For citation: Blinova V.V., Bogdanova T.M., Semenova V.A., Sergeeva E.O., Zankin M.A., Sinkeev M.S. Dressler syndrome (literature review). Practical medicine. 2023. Vol. , № , P.)
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