Distribution of risk factors of cardiovascular diseases in quartiles of velocity of sodium-lithium exchange transport in erythrocyte membrane in women
Kazan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Kazan
Sadykova A.R. ― PhD (medicine), Associate Professor of the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Diseases named after S.S. Zimnitskiy
Address: 49 Butlerov Str., 420012 Kazan, Russian Federation, tel. +7-960-032-55-49, e-mail: aidasad@mail.ru
It is still not clear how significant the risk factors may influence the expression of membrane transport lesions and arterial hypertension (AH) development.
Objective: to estimate the distribution of cardiovascular risk factors in quartiles (QU) of velocity of sodium-lithium exchange transport in erythrocyte membrane in women with arterial hypertension.
Material and methods. The research included 332 females, of them 56 women with normal arterial tension (nAT) aged 43.96 (6.94) y.o., 68 – with high arterial hypertension (HnAT) aged 45.0 (7.42) y.o. and 208 patients with arterial hypertension (AH) aged 46.13 (7.08) y.o. [mean systolic tension ‒ 171.6 (27.6) mm Hg, mean diastolic tension – 102.3 (12.0) mm Hg, average duration of hypertension – 14.6 (9.6) years]. The research excluded patients with symptomatic hypertension. AT was measured according to WHO recommendations. Questioning, physical examination, anthropometry, biochemical examination of blood and urine, ECG, ultrasound were performed. Erythrocyte membrane permeability for sodium ions was found in 288 patients (87%) by determining the maximal velocity of sodium-lithium exchange transport in erythrocyte (Canessa M., 1980). Statistical analysis was carried out with Statistica10.0 software (Statsoft Inc.).
Results. Quartile I included 37 patients (7 with nAT, 13 with HnAT, 17 with AH), quartile II – 70 (18 with nAT, 17 with HnAT, 35 with AH), quartile III – 72 patients (14 with nAT, 21 with HnAT, 37 with AH), and quartile IV – 109 patients КВ (9 patients with nAT, 13 with HnAT, 87 with AH). Prevalence of patients with AH in quartile IV statistically significant (p<0.001 by Fischer precise method). Statistically significant differences (p=0.0425) were found in the mean number of cardiovascular risk factors between quartiles III and IV. Statistically significant (p=0.045) was the larger percentage of abdominal obesity in quartiles II and IV. Distribution of other risk factors by quartiles was not statistically significant.
Conclusions. The largest statistically significant (p<0.001) percentage of patients with AH and the smallest with HnAT were found in quartile IV. Cardiovascular risk factors were distributed evenly among the quartiles of sodium-lithium exchange transport velocity. Abdominal obesity is associated with the values of sodium-lithium exchange transport velocity corresponding to quartiles II and IV.
Key words: women, arterial hypertension, sodium-lithium exchange transport velocity, cardiovascular risk factors.
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