Difficulties of diagnosing parasitic diseases of the orbit in patients living in non-endemic areas (a clinical case)
1Omsk State Medical University, 12 Lenin Str., Omsk, Russian Federation, 644099
2Omsk Clinical Ophthalmological Hospital named after V.P. Vychodtsev, 60 Lermontov Str., Omsk, Russian Federation, 644070
Stepanova E.A. — PhD (medicine), Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Ophthalmology, e-mail: ekat_andr55@mail.ru
Lebedev O.I. — D. Sc. (medicine), Professor of the Department of Ophthalmology, e-mail: oculusomsk55@mail.ru
Kozachenko G.M. — Head of the Surgery Department no. 4, e-mail: oculusomsk55@mail.ru
Povchinets M.V. — doctor of the Surgery Department no. 4, e-mail: oculusomsk55@mail.ru
Atamanenko A.A. — doctor of the Surgery Department no. 4, e-mail: oculusomsk55@mail.ru
Kobzeva A.P. — resident doctor of the Department of Ophthalmology, e-mail: oculusomsk55@mail.ru
The publication presents a clinical case of dirofilariasis of orbit. The described clinical case demonstrates difficulties in diagnosing parasitic diseases of the orbit, which can be masked under the guise of other diseases and conditions. In connection with the increasing cases of dirofilariasis in the territories previously not considered endemic, there should be caution against such diseases.
Key words: diseases of orbit, diagnosis of helminthiasis, dirofilaria
(For citation: Stepanova E.A., Lebedev O.I., Kozachenko G.M., Povchinets M.V., Atamanenko A.A., Kobzeva A.P. Difficulties of diagnosing parasitic diseases of the orbit in patients living in non-endemic areas (a clinical case). Practical Medicine. 2018)
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