Differential diagnostics of lymphadenopathy in children
Izhevsk State Medical Academy
Ozhegov Anatoly Mikhaylovich
Doctor of Medical Science, Professor,
Head of the Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology
281 Kommunarov str., Izhevsk 426034
tel. (3412) 68-21-46, e-mail: amozhegov@mail.ru
The article gives the classification (localized and generalized forms) and explaines the causes of lymphadenopathy (non-specific and specific infections, system and allergic diseases, malignant tumors). The algorithm of differential diagnosis of lymphadenopathy in children, including clinical history, clinical examination and laboratory and instrumental investigations are given. Particular attention is paid to the differential diagnosis of infectious and neoplastic lymphadenopathy and tactics of a doctor when assuming a malignant tumor in a child.
Key words: children, lymphadenopathy, classification, causes, differential diagnosis.
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