Diagnostic value of cystatin C in serum in Ixodidea tick borreliosis caused by Borrelia miyamotoi
1Izhevsk State Medical Academy, 281 Communarov St., Izhevsk, Russian Federation, 426000
22nd Republican Clinical Hospital 230 Svobody St., Izhevsk, Russian Federation, 426000
Sarksyan D.S. — Cand. Med. Sc., Associate Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology, tel. +7-904-310-64-14, e-mail: bizi1973@gmail.com1
Malinin O.V. — Cand. Med. Sc., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology, tel. +7-912-762-90-89, e-mail: oleg.malinin@yahoo.com1
Dudarev M.V. — D. Med. Sc., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Outpatient Therapy, tel. +7-912-767-28-33, e-mail: flatly@yandex.ru1
Khalitova L.I. — postgraduate student of the Department of Outpatient Therapy, tel. +7-912-455-84-60, e-mail: halitova-lilya@rambler.ru1
Ivanov V.G. — Cand. Med. Sc., Associate Professor of the Department of Clinical Biochemistry, tel+7-906-819-88-08, e-mail: vitahelp@mail.ru1
Ivanova G.G. — Cand. Med. Sc., Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Clinical Biochemistry, tel. +7-906-819-88-08, e-mail: vitahelp@mail.ru1,2
Bulatova N.I. — laboratory doctor, tel. (3412) 78-37-432
The content of cystatin C in serum in Ixodidea tick borreliosis caused B. miyamotoi was studied. To confirm the specific diagnosis, PCR technique was used. The patients were divided into 2 groups by the presence of clinical-laboratory signs of renal pathology. For each group a number of indicators were evaluated characterizing the filtration and concentration functions of kidney. The correlation of these parameters with the content of cystatin C serum was studied. It was shown that serum cystatin C is a more sensitive marker of glomerular dysfunction than urea and creatinine levels in a single study.
Key words: Ixodidea tick borreliosis, Borrelia miyamotoi, clinical pattern, renal lesions, serum cystatin C.
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