Dexamethasone therapy of chronic subdural hematoma
Emergency Hospital, 18 Naberezhnochelninsky Pr., Naberezhnye Chelny, Russian Federation, 423803
Sabirov R.I. ― neurosurgeon, tel. +7-927-486-02-78, e-mail:
Latypov T.F. ― Head of the Neurosurgery Department, tel. +7-917-894-91-08, e-mail:
The article presents the results of treatment of 100 patients with the diagnosis of chronic subdural hematoma (CSH). The first group of 62 patients (64% men, 36% women) underwent operative treatment; the second group of 38 patients (73% men, 27% women) underwent conservative treatment with dexamethasone protocol. It is shown that dexamethasone therapy can be one of the alternative methods of treatment of patients with CSH, especially of the patients with severe concomitant somatic pathology and those refusing from surgery.
Key words: chronic subdural hematoma, dexamethasone, conservative treatment, Markwalder grading score.
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